Leading.. The Most Rewarding Thing
It is currently 12:37am as I write this. I have now been trying to sleep for the past 2 hours but I can’t so hey, why not write a blog post, you feel?
As most of you know, I lead in our middle school ministry at my church and have been for a little over a year now. Leading these girls has been both one of the most challenging things I’ve done, but also probably the most rewarding thing I’ve had the privilege to do. Over the weekend we were out at Camp Kitaki for our middle school retreat, and I barely got any sleep. Tip #1: don’t let your middle schoolers eat a whole tub of candy at 11pm because then you won’t be sleeping. But anyways, I always love these trips. Being able to spend every hour of everyday with my middle school girls & the people I lead with, who I’m also very lucky to call my best friends. These middle schoolers have taught me a lot over the past year. Like how to be patient, especially when it’s 2am & you’re exhausted but they’re all hyped up on laffy taffy. They’ve taught me how to be transparent and to be okay with not having it all together. They’ve taught me how to genuinely care for the people around me. And they’ve also taught me how to have a childlike faith. These kids encourage me so so much everyday. There’s 2 specific moments that stick out to me that happened over the weekend. One moment was Friday night, the first night of the retreat. Myself & McKenzi (aka my best friend) were chillin’ up on the porch together while all the boys were playing football.. actually it was more like “hey let’s run around like freaks while we try to catch a ball and then fall into the mud when we actually catch it” and while that was happening my girls were running around planning this game they made up called “snakey snakey” or whatever in the world that was. But in that moment, where I was with my best friend laughing hysterically and watching the people I love the most act like fools, I was filled with such joy. The other moment that sticks out to me the most was Saturday night. We were all around the campfire while Howie, my homie, gave his talk. His talk was incredible. He talked on the subject of pain, and how the Lord uses our pain and all. So, after Howie straight up dropped the mic, we went into our small groups and really dug in deep with these girls. For any of you who don’t think middle schoolers have any real pain or haven’t gone through any real struggles, you’re wrong. It was so incredible to see these girls open up to one another about things in their lives they don’t usually talk about, ever. The Lord was so present in that cabin that night. When I said earlier in this about leading being the most rewarding thing, this right here is what I’m talking about. When you get to see the Lord working in these girls’ hearts right before your eyes. There’s nothing better.
It’s now currently 1:22am and I’m starting to get tired, so I think basically what I am trying to get at here is that I love these people so much and I’m so happy the Lord placed them in my life. My middle school girls, the middle school boys, the other leaders.. they’re my people and it’s going to be so incredibly hard to have to leave them for a whole 9 months, but I’m hype to head out and serve the Lord with my squad who are also my people. How lucky am I to be surrounded by two incredible God loving communities?
peace out homies.

God bless you Alyssa, for allowing God to use you. You show these “younger ones” His love by the way you genuinely care for them. There is sure to be plenty more of this to come in the next nine months. Isaiah 52:7